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Our Story

The idea to develop Leadtrekker came to light after we identified certain challenges within the digital marketing and advertising world. The creators of Leadtrekker are also the owners of a leading digital marketing agency and realized that the industry could benefit from a tailor-made Lead Management System.

Digital marketing has seen massive growth due to the large number of smartphone users around the world. As a result, businesses are paying their marketing agencies a lot of money for multi-platform digital marketing campaigns in the hope of generating quality business leads. Some businesses are so successful with their marketing efforts that they receive an unmanageable influx of leads. Without a lead management system, it is impossible to capture, nurture, convert, and report on such large volumes of leads.

Leadtrekker is a powerful Lead Management System that helps agencies and businesses convert sales leads into successful business. Businesses can easily implement Leadtrekker into their sales process to ensure that no leads fall through the cracks. As for agencies, Leadtrekker can monitor the leads of their clients proactively and help them improve their clients’ marketing efforts.

Leadtrekker has been tried and tested by a digital marketing agency long before it was brought to market. This has ensured that it has all the functionality that you as a business need to succeed.