The Best Lead Solution For Forward Thinking Real Estate Business

by | May 7, 2018 | Sales

The real estate business is all about looking ahead, reading the market and looking for the best opportunities and areas. That is why you need a lead management system that provides you with the best lead solutions for future-thinking business and success.

Here’s how Leadtrekker will boost your business into future success:

Sales Forecast

One of Leadtrekker’s handy features, the sales forecast helps you to manage monthly sales forecasts to anticipate future successes. The innovative widgets included in the Leadtrekker dashboard allow you to monitor everything from your sales pipeline to sales target progressions, using past and present data to indicate trends and future possibilities.

Dynamic and flexible reporting

Going beyond the monitoring of sales pipelines and sales target progressions above, our lead management system also provides you with comprehensive reports and valuable insights. This excellent reporting feature allows you to identify which of your marketing efforts are most successful, and where the majority of your success is coming from.

This will lead to the best solutions for your business, informing you of exactly what works and what doesn’t. That allows you to focus your future efforts on what works, saving you both time and money.

This is also aided by the marketing ROI measurement feature, which allows you to accurately track the return on investment of all your marketing activities.

Automated lead assignment

This may seem like a simple thing, but a lead management system that automatically assigns leads to the ideal agent is a huge asset going forward. With Leadtrekker you can make use of a round robin assignment method to help ensure that work is spread evenly amongst your sales agents, preventing the risk of overloading individuals. And because it happens automatically according to your settings, it will keep this system going effectively without any extra effort on your part.

You could also set the system to assign the most competent agent for each source to leads coming from said source. This is one of the best lead solutions possible, as you are ensuring that all future business from specific sources will be handled in the best, most professional manner. Now that’s thinking ahead.

How do you take advantage of this opportunity?

Contact us! It’s as simple as getting in touch and letting us help you get started, and we’ll answer any questions you may have. You can also have a look at our blog for some informative articles.

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