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What do Our Top Clients Love Most about Leadtrekker?

by | Aug 17, 2016 | Sales

Leadtrekker’s innovative lead management system has effectively transformed the way various businesses manage their leads. Here’s how some of our top clients have benefited from our lead management system:

  • SMS & Email notifications

“Almost 79% of leads don’t convert into business.” Most leads are lost due to not being contacted fast enough. Our lead management system ensures that SMS and email notifications are sent to an assigned salesperson every time a new lead is generated onto the system to ensure that the lead is properly contacted and nurtured.

Danica Nolte, Sales Executive at Starbright, says that Leadtrekker has enabled her to act quicker to her leads. The system sends her an SMS when a new lead is assigned to her or when a note is added to her leads.  This enables her to track her leads even when she is out on the road!

  • Automatic lead assignment

Automatic lead assignment ensures that every single lead is assigned to a salesperson. This increases accountability and optimises the time it takes for salespeople to contact leads.

Mert Sentrali is an Entrepreneur at Picasso Laminate Flooring. Picasso has branches in two different cities. Mert says that Leadtrekker has enabled them to automatically assign their website leads to the salespeople based in different cities.

  • Generated sales report

Leadtrekker enables you to measure your lead management efforts and track which sales and marketing efforts generate the most effective business.

Janine Anderson, Business Co-Owner at DSP, says that Leadtrekker has optimised their sales efforts and how they manage their leads. They are able to generate reports to ensure that all their sales targets are met. It has helped them improve their lead contact success rate and improved their overall conversion rate.

  • Efficient lead management

Leadtrekker enables you to pull leads from various sources into one central lead repository so that you can track and analyse all your leads’ information.

Belinda Clark, business owner says that Stratsure did not have a lead management system at first. After switching from email client to Leadtrekker, she has been able to manage all her leads more efficiently.

Find out more about Leadtrekker.

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